Oneness however means identity and identity in its last consequence through all „stages" is a zero point. On the other hand this infinitesimal center needs circumscription by
details. So despite the details’ identity in oneness, they as
individuals have to find their way into circumscription. And as
individuals they contain infinitesimal centers by themselves etc.
Hence the circumscription of such a center is the changing between single points.
That means an existing structure includes both extremes, the absolute identity and the absolute separation. Their
unity then also has to be constituted by change - now between this
point of identity and being separated. Both are nothing at all without
this change by which they are determined only. The unity built that way
of oneness and multitude in turn has its infinitesimal
center of identity...
The same is valid for every area on every scale. A continuum
of this kind is the precondition of permanent objects. Through the
omnipresent change between the extremes of identity and
separation any point is immediately joined with each other as well as continuously mediated and also apart from the others.