The main argument in this book is the undeniable openness of every
system to the unknown. And the fundamental question goes: What does this
openness produce?
We are a part of the infinite universe and an
incorporation of its wholeness. Both for us means an individualized
reality, through which the universe expresses itself and on the other
hand through which it is built up with. It also means our necessity,
importance and indestructibility for the sum of its incorporations. Most
connections among ourselves are hardly conscious for us. Meanwhile the
infinitesimality structure of all consciousness guarantees not only the
logical lack of inconsistency of these connections but also the freedom
of choice of every individual.
Our goal by no means can be to decide
completely consciously. Responsibility contains spontaneity or rather
trust in a meaningful working together of the forces. We increasingly
become aware of our role in the entire relationship and we learn to
contribute optimally to the value fulfillment of all individuals,
ourselves included. Beyond the supposed differences between objective
and subjective reality, we at some point of awareness comprehend that we
create our reality out of our innermost depths.
"A fabulously good work. Arguments and expositions are coherent.
Karin Kuretschka, Germany
"Claus Janew's undertaking to put down on paper mental
processes and procedures that we cannot always analyze,
recognize, or follow with our external senses, and especially
the depth with which he treats the subject, is simply
Ingomar Doering, United States
"Again and again I open it, reread passages, chapters, and follow your thoughts, smile, thank you inwardly that you wrote it, spent years finding words and ways for it, and realize in everything the perfect solution..."
C. I. M., Germany
"A well-reasoned way to push science beyond its limits without
falling into pure esotericism. A very thoughtful book, a genuine
attempt to re-examine our fabric of reality carefully and
without bias."
Prof Dr Wilhelm Schmid, Germany
"In today's world, which is characterized by the levelling of all values and the selling off of standpoints, the honesty of Claus Janew's thinking is pleasantly striking."
Dr Wolfgang Dahlberg, Germany
"Masterfully written inspiration that has caused me to see the
world with different eyes and will surely inspire me to be more
aware of my own reality for a long time to come. This is a
comprehensive, unusual and skillful exposition of philosophy and
esotericism that offers entirely new explanations and food for
Sidony, Germany
"I am still inspired by your way of expressing yourself...
Thank you for your tireless efforts to make people aware of
their true potential for consciousness."
"It is amazing how just trying to intellectually understand
these connections can expand consciousness."
F. K., Germany
(Reader comments apply to the original
German edition. They have been translated from German using DeepL.)
Table of contents
Preliminary remarks
Part I
The relativity of existence
Existence is effect
The absolute universal continuum
The unity of the differing
Some dialectic relationships
Essence, relativity, and contrast
Combinatorics and reciprocity
Developing systems
Irreversible movement
Higher development
Hierarchy and wholeness
Harmony, coincidence and predetermination
Interwoven pyramids
Part II
The logics of circumscription
The infinitesimal center
Internal pressure and external pull
Order, chaos and holomovement
Enfoldment and unfoldment
The reality funnel
The potential for order
Conscious creativity
Activity from the depth
Consciousness – the infinitesimality structure
Our permanent choice
Part III
The communicating consciousness
Projection and creating approximations
Putting ourselves in another position...
Self-consciousness and independence
Individuality and freedom
Messages of the subconscious
The freedom to unfreedom
Giving ideals a chance
Dynamic consciousness
Exchange with the subconscious
The discovery of the other
The creation of reality
A question of proof?
The simultaneity of all events
Playing with probabilities
On creativity
On perception of creativity
Part IV
"Extreme" forms of consciousness and awareness
Consciousness units
All That Is
The extensive directedness
Flowing energy
The indestructibility of the individual
Freedom, harmony and value fulfillment
A feeling for harmony
Value fulfillment
The Freedom to act out of love