Can we trace back consciousness, reality, awareness, and free will to a
single basic structure without giving up any of them? Can the universe
exist in both real and individual ways without being composed of both?
This dialogue founds consciousness and freedom of choice on the basis of a
new reality concept that also includes the infinite as far as we
understand it. Just the simplest distinction contains consciousness. It
is not static, but a constant alternation of perspectives. From its
entirety and movement, however, there arises a freedom of choice being
more than reinterpreted necessity and unpredictability. Although
decisions ultimately involve the whole universe, they are also free in
varying degrees here and now. The unity and openness of the infinite
enables the individual to be creative while this creativity directly and
indirectly enters into all other individuals without impeding them. A
contrary impression originates only in a narrowed awareness. But even
the most conscious and free awareness can neither anticipate all
decisions nor extinguish individuality. Their creativity is secured.
"Great Read. Thank you for putting your work out into a conscious space
for all. Much appreciated."
Marcel P. Londt, PhD, South Africa
Also in this book:
The Reality of Free Will
The uniqueness of each standpoint, each point of effect, can only be
"overcome" by the standpoint changing to other standpoints and returning. In
such alternation, which can also appear as constant change, lies the unity
of the world. The wholeness of an alternation, however, is a structure of
consciousness due to the special relationship between the circumscribing
periphery and the infinitesimal center. This process structure unites
determinacy and indeterminacy also totally in every place. Therefore,
everywhere we are dealing with forms of consciousness with more or less
freedom of choice and an increasingly unknown depth. We live in a world of
choosing consciousness, or rather awareness. In this respect, our
environment expresses a deep truth about ourselves.
"I am impressed by the comprehensiveness of your interdisciplinary
approach. There are some major philosophical concepts which you weave
very well into a necessary system of reality: potential, the one and the
many, alternation, constant change, the reality and uniqueness of
oneiric experience and the whole, interdependence, infinity, the mandate
of opposites and many more. The combination of these ideas cannot be
attributed solely to any other of the established classical and modern
thinkers of whom I am aware. I thank you for your enlightenment."
E W Ralph, UK
"Your important book entitled 'Alternating Consciousness' is very
significative for our project involving creativity and social innovation
Professor Flàvio Filho, Brasil
"A must read for those who want enlightenment on consciousness."
Ejiro Imuere, Nigeria
"Great publication. Really contributed to my knowledge."
A. Kumar, India
(Reader comments apply to the main part
Dialogue on Alternating Consciousness.)
Table of Contents
The Reality of Free Will
Individuality and Reality
What is Consciousness? (I)
How is Freedom of Choice Possible?
What is Awareness? (I)
The Reality Funnel – What is Consciousness? (II)
All That Is – What is Awareness? (II)
Subconscious – Free or Not?
Probability Thinking
Is There a Constant Reality?
Truth, Harmony, and Free Will
Dialogue on Alternating Consciousness
Day 1: What is a Consciousness Unit?
"Something on which everything else is based on must be as simple as
Day 2: Choices Everywhere
"So we choose constantly between old and new way, since we always consider
the new more or less."
Day 3: Awareness in Alternation
"Physicalists will be tearing their hair out!"
Day 4: The Unlimited Potential
"The 'tracks' of the alternation to the Other are becoming denser and denser
and only resolvable if consciousness follows them."
Day 5: Indestructible
"However, if the coffee turns out awful this may change temporarily."
Day 6: All-Encompassing Creativity
"If we consider, however, our entire focus hierarchy as what makes us up,
'we' decide about literally everything that happens to us."
Day 7: Free Will
"We cannot want conflicting things without having to leave the other an
Why not?
My explanation for why no one has yet proposed an i-structure
(infinitesimality structure) is that this basically simple concept of reality
presupposes a combination of four seemingly very different perspectives. Known
approaches combine at most two of them, but largely ignore the others.
However, if all four are considered equally, elementary philosophical problems
such as those of free will, the particularity of consciousness ('qualia'), and
the relation to the other (intersubjectivity) almost solve themselves.