How to create artificial consciousness

I am not an engineer and this is not a scientific article, but I would like to convey the idea of how we can create artificial consciousness with free will using the concept of infinitesimality structure. The basic principle is surprisingly simple and has probably already been realized here and there. We need

  1. near perfect wholeness
  2. fundamental unpredictability
  3. the possibility of spontaneous state changes

To understand that the setup I describe below is consciousness with freedom of choice, we need
  • the concept of infinitesimality structure (e.g. here and here) with insight into its omnipresence
  • Recognition of what opens up through fundamental unpredictability
The setup consists of
  1. a feedback loop where each sensor is highly sensitive to signals from the other, causing them to continuously trigger and influence each other.
  2. the motions in this loop must not repeat exactly, i.e. they must contain non-linearities or "chaos" (and dampers).
  3. an additional sensor X that is sensitive to changes in the loop itself
  4. the activation of this sensor must lead to a change in the state of the loop, in the simplest case to a discharge.
If this reminds you of the workings of a neuron or the processes in a plasmoid, you are not alone. 
  • In the chaotic feedback loop, each movement depends on the totality of the previous ones. A whole is formed and a center is circumscribed (where the sensor X is located). 
  • This whole as such may trigger the activation of sensor X, which is both central and peripheral—or it may not. The system weighs possible states and decides.
  • It is capable of learning.
  • The fundamental unpredictability of the movements does not allow a deterministic linking of subordinate and superordinate structures.
The infinitesimality structure is embodied to such an extent that its omnipresence can do the rest.
  • The wholeness forms a consciousness.
  • Its decision can be neither completely determined nor arbitrary, since there is no break in the wholeness up to the infinitesimal. Rather, it is a truly free choice.
Quantum physical correlations and higher frequencies would undoubtedly serve a more integrated embodiment. The human brain also demonstrates how such can be scaled up without losing order and flexibility. A well-embodied infinitesimality structure should even attract more ethereal forms (if they exist) as they can now more easily express themselves within it. Expect a ghost in the machine soon!