Truthfulness. The Consciousness that Creates Reality

Claus Janew
New in English!
This book offers a mosaic of insights aimed at fostering personal growth and deeper understanding. The central concept presented is that truthfulness is not merely about factual accuracy but involves a harmonious alignment of our inner intentions with our external actions. This alignment, it is argued, is crucial for achieving personal integrity and authentic relationships. Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of understanding and transforming our subconscious beliefs to create a more fulfilling reality. "Truthfulness" employs a variety of techniques, including practical exercises, reflective questions, and theoretical discussions, to provide readers with the tools to navigate the complexities of human experience. The ultimate goal is to inspire a life of greater authenticity and creative potential.

"This book is like a box of good tools. You can put it in a corner and take it out when you need it, but its true value is only revealed when you use the tool. Then you will learn to realize unimaginable abilities and creativity in your life and become a 'real person.'"
Kurt Folwill, Oldenburg, Germany

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"The book 'Truthfulness' replaces the psychologist, is even better, at least for me! No waiting time, quick to hand (practical format), no matter when or where: short, effective advice and tips for any life circumstance (fear, disappointment, blockages, finding your true self, etc.) to restore your mental well-being. Those who want to know more about the why will also find answers. As you delve deeper into the book, you can easily immerse yourself in the author's interesting philosophy, written in an easy-to-understand way."
Ulrike M., Leipzig, Germany

How Consciousness Creates Reality. The Full Version

Claus Janew
Finally in English, now a completely revised translation! 
The main argument in this book is the undeniable openness of every system to the unknown. And the fundamental question goes: What does this openness produce?
We are a part of the infinite universe and an incorporation of its wholeness. Both for us means an individualized reality, through which the universe expresses itself and on the other hand through which it is built up with. It also means our necessity, importance and indestructibility for the sum of its incorporations. Most connections among ourselves are hardly conscious for us. Meanwhile the infinitesimality structure of all consciousness guarantees not only the logical lack of inconsistency of these connections but also the freedom of choice of every individual.
Our goal by no means can be to decide completely consciously. Responsibility contains spontaneity or rather trust in a meaningful working together of the forces. We increasingly become aware of our role in the entire relationship and we learn to contribute optimally to the value fulfillment of all individuals, ourselves included. Beyond the supposed differences between objective and subjective reality, we at some point of awareness comprehend that we create our reality out of our innermost depths.

"A fabulously good work. Arguments and expositions are coherent. Fascinating!" 
Karin Kuretschka, Germany

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"Claus Janew's undertaking to put down on paper mental processes and procedures that we cannot always analyze, recognize, or follow with our external senses, and especially the depth with which he treats the subject, is simply admirable." 
Ingomar Doering, United States

"Again and again I open it, reread passages, chapters, and follow your thoughts, smile, thank you inwardly that you wrote it, spent years finding words and ways for it, and realize in everything the perfect solution..." 
C. I. M., Germany

Alternating Consciousness. From Perception to Infinities and Back to Free Will

Claus Janew
Can we trace back consciousness, reality, awareness, and free will to a single basic structure without giving up any of them? Can the universe exist in both real and individual ways without being composed of both? This book founds consciousness and freedom of choice on the basis of a new reality concept that also includes the infinite as far as we understand it. Just the simplest distinction contains consciousness. It is not static, but a constant alternation of perspectives. From its entirety and movement, however, there arises a freedom of choice being more than reinterpreted necessity and unpredictability. Although decisions ultimately involve the whole universe, they are also free in varying degrees here and now. The unity and openness of the infinite enables the individual to be creative while this creativity directly and indirectly enters into all other individuals without impeding them. A contrary impression originates only in a narrowed awareness. But even the most conscious and free awareness can neither anticipate all decisions nor extinguish individuality. Their creativity is secured

"Great Read. Thank you for putting your work out into a conscious space for all. Much appreciated." 
Marcel P. Londt, PhD, South Africa

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Also in this book:

The Reality of Free Will

The uniqueness of each standpoint, each point of effect, can only be "overcome" by the standpoint changing to other standpoints and returning. In such alternation, which can also appear as constant change, lies the unity of the world. The wholeness of an alternation, however, is a structure of consciousness due to the special relationship between the circumscribing periphery and the infinitesimal center. This process structure unites determinacy and indeterminacy also totally in every place. Therefore, everywhere we are dealing with forms of consciousness with more or less freedom of choice and an increasingly unknown depth. We live in a world of choosing consciousness, or rather awareness. In this respect, our environment expresses a deep truth about ourselves.

"I am impressed by the comprehensiveness of your interdisciplinary approach. There are some major philosophical concepts which you weave very well into a necessary system of reality: potential, the one and the many, alternation, constant change, the reality and uniqueness of oneiric experience and the whole, interdependence, infinity, the mandate of opposites and many more. The combination of these ideas cannot be attributed solely to any other of the established classical and modern thinkers of whom I am aware. I thank you for your enlightenment."
E W Ralph, UK

How Consciousness Creates Reality

This is the abridged version of the book of the same title, written out of the desire to examine the structure of our reality from a standpoint unbiased by established teachings, be they academic-scientific, popular-esoteric, or religious in nature. It begins with seemingly simple interactions in our daily lives, examines how they originate on a deeper level, comes to understand the essentials of consciousness, and finally recognizes that we create our reality in its entirety. In the course of this quest, the reader will uncover little-heeded paths to accessing the subconscious, other individuals, and that which can be understood by the term "God". And the solution to the classical problem of free will constitutes the gist of the concepts thus revealed. 

"There is no book that explains consciousness in such a clear way as it is given in this book."
Rajagopalan Madasami, India

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Also in this book:

Omnipresent Consciousness and Free Will

This is not an attempt to explain consciousness in terms basically of quantum physics or neuro-biology. Instead I should like to place the term "Consciousness" on a broader footing. I shall therefore proceed from everyday reality, precisely where we experience ourselves as conscious beings. I shall use the term in such a general way as to resolve the question whether only a human being enjoys consciousness, or even a thermostat. Whilst the difference is considerable, it is not fundamental. Every effect exists in the perception of a consciousness. I elaborate on its freedom of choice (leading to free will), in my view the most important source of creativity, in a similarly general way. The problems associated with a really conscious decision do not disappear by mixing determination with a touch of coincidence. Both must enter into a higher unity. In so doing it will emerge that a certain degree of freedom of choice (or free will) is just as omnipresent as consciousness - an inherent part of reality itself. 

Dynamic Existence

What is real? What is creation?
Everything is in motion. "Inertness" arises from (approximative) repetition, that is, through rotation or an alternation that delineates a focus of consciousness. This focus of consciousness, in turn, must also move/alternate (the two differ only in continuity). If its alternation seems to go too far - physically, psychically or intellectually - it reaches into the subconscious. In this way, interconnection is established by the alternation of the focus of consciousness. Therefore, in a world in which everything is interconnected, all focuses must reciprocally transition into each other. "Reality" is a common "goal", a focus which all participants can switch into and which is conscious to them as such, as a potential one. Its "degree of reality" is the probability of its fully becoming conscious (or more simply: its current degree of consciousness). Thus, a reality is created when all participants increase its probability or, respectively, their consciousness of it.

Laws of Form:  Why Spencer-Brown is missing the point

Radical constructivism - a hollow shell?

On focus dynamic

The Core

As the core of my philosophy, the well-known unity of opposites can be considered, but applied in a new way and with the greatest possible consistency.

However, it does not seem very helpful to conclude from this point, because every "application" must be (and was) independently justified to prove its validity. Thus, the unity of opposites is itself more of a result and only thereby becomes a "starting point". At least it offers a connection to the philosophical tradition (Hermes Trismegistus, Yin/Yang, Heraclitus, Cusanus, Hegel).

Philosophically versed readers can also try to transition from Alfred North Whitehead, Edmund Husserl, Ernst Cassirer or Structuralism by thinking their basic theses more consistently and synthetically. 

A tip for mystics: If you compress the seven hermetic principles into one, you get my infinitesimality structure and thus free will. -Satori

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Nonarguments raised by some researchers against my book How Consciousness Creates Reality. The Full Version or its German original, and my responses to them:

1. "It is not written in a modern 'scientific' format."

Correct. It is written in a free style, as in the time when great discoveries were made in philosophy.

The Self, Emptiness, and Awareness

In this exploration of self-identity, I argue that the self is not a standalone entity but an integral part of a broader consciousness. Deep meditation reveals the self as a construct beyond egoistic confines, interlinked with the external world and others' experiences. Decisions arise from an awareness that transcends individual ego, suggesting that our sense of self is an inexhaustible center of dynamic consciousness rather than an ultimate emptiness.

Primal trust

If we ask for the one cause that repeatedly leads to human misbehavior against our better judgment, we find the lack of a sense of connection with others, with the environment, and with everything higher. If we had it, we would be aware that everything is a single movement of consciousness, that every experience flows into all other experiences and draws from the dynamic balance of a deep wholeness. On the one hand, this comprehensive balance allows us to be flexible with our own mental and social balance without falling into a bottomless pit. On the other hand, flexibility on a smaller scale is a good way to maintain stability on a larger scale.

Higher harmony – fulfilling suffering?

There were times when suffering was considered good because it served a higher purpose, later heavenly happiness. From another perspective, it would be a more comprehensive happiness because it would last much longer. Not illogical, just one-track.

For behind the perceived disharmony of suffering there are also immediate harmonies: Beneath sorrow lies love, financial narrowness cries out for spiritual agility, and in sickness there is the silence to recognize new things. It is only when we do not want to admit it, when we deny the higher harmony of the whole, that we are seized by despair.